I propose that as a nation that we put a stop to fast food restraints hold on our children. It is very easy to tell that they are a huge factor to increase of adolescents who now suffer from obesity related diseases. Consumption has increased over 5 fold in the last 10 years. Because of the threat that fast food restaurants place on our population I believe that we need to regulate how far they can go to advertise their products as well as where they are allowed to build their restaurants.

Fast food commercials should no longer be allowed by law to air their commercials on stations that are primarily watched by children. Children are very impressionable and are easily tempted into using things that they do not understand. Secondly they should no longer be able to open restraints within walking distance (1 mile) of and public education centers. They make their services so convenient that kids would gladly walk across the street to eat their unhealthy quick meals. Also only healthy foods should be allowed into schools and all fast foods should be kicked out.

Healthy fitness programs should be instituted into all schools to help implement healthy lifestyles to all children and to prevent them from becoming obese due to sedentary movement patterns. Ultimately obesity is the number cause of death in the modern world. If we do not do anything to stop the spread of fast food chains, then the death toll due to obesity related health issues with continue to grow.